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3 people walk into hospital with gunshot wounds in Indy Saturday, IMPD says possibly linked


INDIANAPOLIS – IMPD reported that three people walked into Indy hospitals with gunshot wounds and that they might all be linked to the same incident.

At approximately 10:00 p.m. Saturday, IMPD officers responded to reports of a shooting on the 1300 block of S. East.

When officers arrived, they did not find a person shot, but located multiple shell casings.

Subsequently, officers received reports of three individuals walking into a hospital with gunshot wounds.

One report was of two individuals who walked into Eskenazi hospital with gunshot wounds.

The other report involved one individual who walked into I.U Health Methodist hospital with a gunshot wound.

IMPD detectives believe that these three people self-transported to the hospital after being injured in the shooting in the 1300 block of S. East St.

These incidents are still under investigation and are subject to change.