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Anderson organization offering help to single moms

Mommy Movement provides resources to those in need
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ANDERSON — ANDERSON — A single mother in Anderson says she saw a need for mothers like herself, so she went to work to bring The Mommy Movement Incorporated to life.

“People don't understand you can work a job and make $12 dollars-an-hour and have five kids. Rent, lights and gas — it's a struggle, so if you don't have a plan in place it could be stressful and that stress leans onto the children,” said Marcia Thompson, the woman who started The Mommy Movement Incorporated because she saw a need.

“You see a lot of young women in need of resources, in need of someone who just cares,” said Thompson.

The cause is something this mother of two can relate to. “I am a single mother myself. My children's father died when my son was one-year-old. At that point it was hard, I didn’t know how to continue on without a father for my children no matter the situation,” said Thompson.

Through her organization, mothers have access to the resources they need to step up in life. Right now, during the pandemic, the organization is even offering bill assistance to those who need it.

“We don't help just women without jobs, we help with jobs as well. Let them know we are here to help with whatever you need,” said Thompson. There's a food pantry and a clothing closet here and if mother's have been convicted of crime and that's what's holding them back from getting a job, Thompson says she can help with that too.

“I have been speaking to different organizations who are willing to at least give them an opportunity to work,” added Thompson. Beyond what this organization has already accomplished since January of 2019 there’s even more they want to do.

“I have 17-year-old girls calling me with babies screaming in the background because they don't have anywhere to go. Mom kicked me out or dad or grandma put me out, my boyfriend beat me up. Hopefully in the future we want to open an emergency shelter in this city,” said Thompson.

The Mommy Movement Incorporated focuses on women, but also serves whoever needs a hand. Right now, they are available to help with job training, resume writing, and other resources. Click here for more information.