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CDC moratorium on evictions set to expire June 30

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INDIANAPOLIS — After several extensions throughout the pandemic, the federal CDC eviction moratorium is coming to an end on June 30, meaning thousands of people could be at risk of eviction.

“It’s kind of difficult for me at this stage in my life," Wesley Lee, 60, said. “I would’ve hoped to be in a more stable environment and situation.”

But he is now in fear of becoming homeless.

“I don’t know where I would go but to the shelter if I get evicted,” he said. “And that’s a scary thought.”

He lives in an apartment complex on the near north side. During the pandemic, his landlord increased his rent. Living on a fixed income because he’s disabled, Lee was unable to pay and his landlord filed for eviction in May.

But with the help from the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic, they utilized the CDC moratorium on evictions and filled out the declaration form. He has been able to avoid eviction. His landlord moved him to a month-to-month lease since then.

“I’m worried,” he said. “I’m scared that I might have to move out anytime.”

He fears when the moratorium expires at the end of the month, they can file an eviction any day.

“Even today, I don’t sleep well at night,” Lee said. “Being afraid of waking up in the morning and there’s an eviction notice.”

He’s hoping local Indiana legislators take action quick. Lee says everyone deserves the opportunity to live in safe, affordable housing. But the lack of quality options is preventing that.

“People need help,” Lee said. “So whatever lawmakers can come up with him to do something to help out, it would be wonderful.”