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Fishers police warning residents of organized theft gang operation targeting Hamilton County

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FISHERS — Fishers police is warning residents after they say an organized theft gang is making moves, the most recent victim had several thousand dollars stolen from them in a matter of seconds.

Police believe a well-organized gang of thieves is committing crimes across the country, including Central Indiana. They believe this gang is specifically targeting areas like lunch restaurants and grocery markets, stores located near big box retailers.

"These individuals are professional thieves," FPD Sgt Tom. Werger said. "They train and they practice this skill if you will, and they can have your credit card in seconds and you not even know it."

Fishers police issued a warning this week saying the gang stole a woman's wallet earlier this month at the Panera Bread on 96th Street near Interstate 69. Immediately after, the woman's credit cards were used to buy $5,000 in gift cards at the Super Target on 116th Street.

According to Sgt. Weger, this incident is not the first time this has happened in the area. He says the department has seen a few cases like this over the past couple of years.

"This is just something that can happen so quickly and you can be just eating lunch and then all of a sudden you know somebody is using your credit card," Weger said.

This is what FPD know about the theft-gang:

  • Operate in groups of two or three
  • Are usually well-dressed and drive rental cars to blend in to upscale communities
  • Target lunch places located near large retail stores
  • Usually steal from women's purses

The biggest mistake a victim can make is not immediately calling police once they notice something is wrong. Sgt Weger says this gang is known to move very quickly, leaving the area as soon as they complete their transaction. By calling police immediately or utilizing Fisher's Police Relay App, law enforcement can better protect you and your money.

Fishers Police offers the following safety tips:

  • Always stay alert
  • Be aware of your surrounds and avoid becoming easily disgraced (i.e. cell phones, laptop computers)
  • Download the Relay App and immediately report suspicious activity
  • Always keep valuables visible
  • Purses and handbags should be held n your lap. Never hang your bag over the back of a chair
  • Make certain purses and handbags are kept closed. Zipper style bags are preferred.
  • Set up fraud alerts on all credit/debit cards
  • Immediately notify the police if you think you have become a victim. Do not wait until you get home. Time his critical in these cases. The sooner the police are notified the better the change its the criminals will be caught.

Anyone with information regarding this crime should contact FPD Detective D. Nelson at 317-496-2610.