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Secretary of State Elect Diego Morales announces new head of Securities Division

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Posted at 4:54 PM, Dec 20, 2022

INDIANAPOLIS -- Secretary of State-Elect Diego Morales announced Marie Castetter as the new securities commissioner, Monday. She is the first woman in nearly six decades to serve in the role.

Castetter will lead the office in their efforts to protect Hoosiers, especially elderly and vulnerable populations, from fraud and the loss of their hard-earned investments.

“Throughout the campaign, I expressed to Hoosiers the importance of the Securities Division. Marie is the perfect fit to lead our efforts in protecting Hoosiers against fraudulent schemes and holding those accountable who choose to deal in criminal activity,” Morales said. “I’m grateful she will work in this significant role in my administration.”

Castetter served as chief of deputy in the Hancock County Prosecutor’s office before serving the judicial vacancy in 2020. She now works as a deputy prosecuting attorney in the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office.

“I am honored to serve as securities commissioner and will ensure the Securities Division works to protect all Hoosiers,” Castetter said. “My experiences throughout my legal career, especially in protecting the elderly, make me passionate to elevate that work to the Secretary of State’s office. Diego Morales is committed to delivering the best services to Hoosiers in each of the office’s divisions, and the importance he places on the Securities Division in those efforts shows his dedication to the people he serves. Throughout my legal career, I’ve been no stranger to breaking barriers, and I am proud to serve as Indiana’s securities commissioner.”

Morales will make more hiring announcements in the coming days as he prepares his administration for taking office.

“Diego campaigned on creating a Secretary of State’s office that is transparent and grounded in hard work. The hiring of Marie shows Diego is committed to living up to his promises, “Bob Grand, chairman of Morales’ transition team said. “As a Gov. Holcomb appointee, Marie served the people of Hancock County honorably as a Superior Court judge. Her long-time experience as an attorney and prosecutor will provide strong leadership and vision to the Securities Division.”