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Working Together: Community shows support for Franklin's small businesses

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Working Together is a new WRTV initiative that focuses on telling impactful stories highlighting the wide range of cultures, areas and people that make central Indiana the place that it is. Through our Working Together initiative, we will share the stories of our communities and carry their voices forward. We’re Working for You by Working Together.

FRANKLIN — On Main Street in Franklin, many restaurant signs read 'Open.'

They're all carry-out only as dine-in meals are forbidden during the coronavirus emergency. But those who could, called in their lunch orders and picked them up.

"For me, it's about tipping extra, shopping local," Emily West, a customer, said.

"It's critical," she continued. "For some of these people, it's their only income. There could be a single mom or single father, and this helps them raise their kids.

The owner of "Court Street Cafe" will mark her fifth year in business on April 3. She's working hard to keep her business open.

"We had a lot of people coming in today buying chicken salad by the pound and loaves of banana bread. They are supporting local businesses; if they don't, we won't be here," the owner said. "You're pretty much looking at anyone who owns a small business in a small town; we can't go long."

"Anything we can do to help support local," Stephanie Wagner, another customer, said. "It's an unprecedented time right now. I'm trying to do my part."

No one knows how long this will go on for, but for now, people in Franklin say they plan to shop local and help their neighbors.