
Grant could help small business owners survive pandemic

Many have already closed due to COVID
and last updated

INDIANAPOLIS — INDIANAPOLIS — According to the National Restaurant Association, 10,000 U.S. restaurants have closed in the past three months. Plenty of small businesses have shut their doors right here in Indianapolis. The pandemic has shown no mercy especially on small business owners who are typically driven by their dreams and passion.

"If it’s your dream and you believe in it, this pandemic won't last forever,” said Tiana Brown. She is owner of Just Imagine Bakery and Sweet Treats LLC. Her dream was born out of the loss of her son who passed away, but inspired the name of her bakery.

“He loved Barney. There was a song on Barney called "Just Imagine." He would sing it all the time. It was his favorite song,” said Brown.

The Coronavirus and the shutdown gave her a little scare. “Everything closed down and we couldn't go out. I was like how this will affect Just Imagine? This is what I do, but customers started calling,” said Brown.

Brown says she's been so busy she hasn't had to check out the Covid-19 relief micro grant being offered to women business owners by Walker's Legacy. She says she's been busy in the kitchen baking these days but she encourages those on the brink of closing to fight hard to stay in business.