

Point Guard to Parenthood: Marian University basketball player is also a new mom

marian basketball mom

INDIANAPOLIS — After the balls are done bouncing on the court, one Marian University women's basketball player bounces her son on her leg.

Abby Downard says Jax's smile and laugh make her smile, too.

The senior point guard welcomed Jax last July - meaning she finished up last season pregnant.

"It came more naturally than I thought it would, that's for sure. I didn't know if I was ready [but] then just had to go with it," Downard said.

The team has become Jax's extended family, carrying him around the court and waiting for a chance to hold him.

"As our coach said, he thinks [Jax] brought us all closer and I agree," Downard said.

baby jax marian basketball

"Her whole family has been amazing ... the kids on the team have been amazing. It's been fun to watch," head coach Steve Brooks said.

Downard will graduate in May and says she's looking into playing professional basketball oversees.