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Alex Jones' assets should be liquidated, bankruptcy court rules

A judge ruled Friday that the right-wing conspiracy theorist's assets should be liquidated as families of the Sandy Hook victims await compensation.

InfoWars founder Alex Jones appeared before a federal bankruptcy court on Friday to address an emergency motion by Sandy Hook families that he immediately liquidate all his assets to fulfill the terms of their lawsuit.

The judges declared Jones' assets to be liquidated, which leaves the question of when and how these transactions will take place to compensate the families.

The court says Jones will have to sell his personal assets, but questions remain over whether his company Free Speech Systems, LLC, will have to do the same.

On his show, Jones has claimed he has no money, but his most recent legal filings show otherwise. Jones personally has $9 million in assets, including an Austin-area house valued at $2.6 million and other real estate. He listed his living expenses for the month of April alone at $69,000, including $16,500 in expenses for his house.

In 2022, Jones defaulted on his case and lost a libel and slander lawsuit launched by multiple families of children murdered in the Newtown, Connecticut, mass school shooting of 2012.

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Juries in Texas and Connecticut awarded victims' families upwards of $1.3 billion in compensation, as Jones made hundreds of campaigns on his conspiracy theory, claiming on his show that the shooting "was fake." The claims resulted in Jones' followers harassing victims' families, adding to their pain and suffering.

Marshals may padlock the doors to InfoWars in Austin, Texas, and begin seizing Jones' assets. Jones has been increasingly apoplectic on his show about this, as an act to raise more money for his side business selling supplements and doomsday prep kits.

Attorneys for the Sandy Hook families said in court that Jones made a flurry of financial transactions ahead of the filing for bankruptcy to "defraud the families."